Doors & Windows
You don’t need to feel guilty about using wood instead of alternatives like plastic or steel. Wood products achieve negative CO2 emissions across the product lifecycle – lower than any other building material and wood requires very little non-renewable energy for their manufacture.
The amount of energy used to harvest, transport, convert and recycle wood is minimal when compared to that of other building materials and the use of timber leads to the protection of the forest biome, as traders promote sustainable trade in timber and timber products from well-managed forests.
As wood is created by photosynthesis, it can be considered an efficient way of storing solar energy and the best way to use forests as carbon sinks is to harvest the timber and convert it into products (which continue to store carbon) while replanting more trees than before.
Protected trees may not be cut, damaged, destroyed, collected, removed, transported, exported, purchased, sold, donated or in any other way acquired or disposed of except under a licence granted by the Minister or in terms of an exemption. In terms of the National Forests Act of 1998, all natural forests are protected.